#Avid sync hd plus
Normal Word Clock just won't work, either.Ĭables are all fine as I have swapped them out with the new ones that came with the Avid interface, plus they were working fine previously. I need to change the Playback Engine & Clock Source multiple times before correct sync is achieve. I have just tried connecting a 192 with the Aurora, and I get the same issue, however switching clock (which normally fixes the issue) now just gives worse comb-filtering options. An external clock should only be needed when using 3 or more non-Avid interfaces. Yes, I disagree that I should need a separate clock, however I agree it would fix this issue. I have an Aurora and an Avid interface on a machine that work fine.
#Avid sync hd update
I had been in close communication with Lynx regarding issues with the previous firmware 10, but since the newest update they haven't really been helpful solving this issue. Is anyone successfully running the same setup (Lynx Aurora 16 LT-HD & Avid HD I/O) Why does my system never have sync when I first load a session and why does changing the Clock Source allow it to re-sync correctly? Why won't the HD I/O lock to Word Clock from the Aurora? Changing the Clock Source in this setup, then resets the SynchroLock and the whole process is repeated, losing sync once the SynchroLock finds lock. If using the Avid HD I/O as the Loop Master, the system sounds in-sync until the Aurora's SynchroLock "locks" which then causes the system to sound out of sync. Have also tried looping the sync cables, even though this is not recommended in the Aurora manual, with no success. In this setup I also have to wait for the Aurora Synchrolock to "lock" which takes a while, so I would prefer to run the Aurora as the master, as it mentions in the Aurora manual. I have also tried the alternatives, where the Avid HD I/O is the master (using either Loop Sync Out or Word Clock Out) but I get the same issue, where upon session load, the system is out of sync and I need to change the Clock Source for it to correctly sync. Again, need to swap the Clock Source to correct this. However, I have found that now mixing in PT11HD, on heavy sessions, that after stopping playback, the system "glitches" and I find the sync to have reverted to being out-of-sync.

It was just something I dealt with, getting into the habit of correcting the sync at the start of every session load. (they both happened at the same time, so can't discern which is the actual cause). This issue has been happening in older versions of ProTools, as far as I can tell, since upgrading to the latest Aurora Firmware, or swapping my 192 for the Avid HD I/O. To correct this, I need to change the Clock Source to HD I/O 2 (Avid) and press play (which is definitely sounds out-of-sync) and then switch back to HD I/O 1 (Aurora) and everything locks and sounds great. It appears to be "locked" as it doesn't have the pulsing glitching typical of unlocked digital interfaces, but its just not correctly in sync. Whenever I load a session for the first time, the system is not in sync, it's very noticeable with parallel drum buses going out through HW Inserts, the cymbals are comb-filtering badly.
#Avid sync hd manual
The Loop Sync Out is not connected to the Aurora's W/C in, as the manual recommends not to do this. The way I have been getting this to work is running the Aurora into the Loop Sync In of the HD I/O, and as the Aurora Firmware manual states, checking the Tascam SPDIF Format box on the Hardware Setup page, so that it can send the appropriate clock signal for Loop Sync to work. This was however, on an older Aurora Firmware. A side note to this, is that previous to this setup, I was running the Aurora & a 192 Interface, in the above described way, and had no issues at all. Its worth noting that the HD I/O 2 (Avid) still has the "Internal" light lit on the front panel. The HD I/O 1 (Aurora) is the Clock Source (internal). However, this does not seem to work, as I get the typical digital glitching when I play back audio. The easiest way to sync these would be to run the Word Clock out from the Aurora, into the Word Clock In of the HD I/O. Having difficulty with the simple task of synching the two interfaces. The Aurora is HD I/O 1, the Avid HD I/O is the HD I/O 2 in the Hardware Setup. The Aurora has the most up to date firmware (28 & 11) and displays as a HD I/O in my Hardware Setup. Using an Avid HD i/o & a Lynx Aurora 16 with LT-HD as interfaces. I am running a Protools 11.02 HDX2 system with 10.8.4 on a MacPro 12-core. A highly confusing post about what should really be a very simple sync between two interfaces.